Persian Lesson 48 – Countries in Persian – Part One

Persian Lesson 48 – Countries in Persian – Part One

Persian Lesson 48 – Countries in Persian – Part One

Jan 26, 2019 - Persian Language Courses

Salam! Khosh amadid!

Hello everyone, how are you?


1- Listen to the audio files first (preferably once). Repeat it for a couple of times. Write it down on a paper. Find their English equivalents. (Seen)




2- Find the Persian equivalent for the following words and make four sentences with each of them (one in simple past tense, one in present perfect tense using ‘for’, one in simple future tense, and one in past perfect tense).

To arrive
To decide

3- Say these numbers in Persian:

33220 – 56001 – 13003 – 90009 – 85008

4- Follow the examples, combine the letters, and make words using the given letters. You’ll have to change the big letters into the small ones whenever needed.

Friend <= /du:st/ < == 

Book <= /keta:b/ < == 

Mr. <= /a:gha:/< == 

Carpet <= /færsh/ < == 

Computer <= /ka:mpyu:ter/ < == 

Country <= /keshvær/ < == 

Car <= /ma:shin/ < == 

Bridge <= /pol/ <== 

All right,

Today, we are going to learn the name of some countries in Persian. No objections? Great!

Germany =  /a:lma:n/.

England =  /engelesta:n/.

Also  /engeli:s/.

America =  /a:mrika:/.

Canada =  /ka:na:da:/.

Switzerland =  /suis/. (the same pronunciation as Swiss).

Brazil =  /berezil/.

Netherlands = Holland =  /holænd/.

Australia =  /ostra:liya:/.

Norway =  /norvezh/.

Spain =  /espa:niya:/.

See you next week!

Khoda Hafez!

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Harsh Pandey

Goodness me! I found this when I completed the first 47 lessons on It showed a server error. Thank god I found this! Great course which I didn't want to loose the touch of.

Harsh Pandey

Goodness me! I found this when I completed the first 47 lessons on It showed a server error. Thank god I found this! Great course which I didn't want to loose the touch of.


Telegram group, please check this link:


Admittedly I am not nimble with the alphabet but it appears that long vowels are more frequently represented in writing than short ones. If long vowels are not indicated should we presume short vowels between consonants? Sorry for idiot question.


Hi, Yes, your right. I have a good suggestion for you, you can join our Telegram group for asking such a question and get an answer very quickly

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