Persian Lesson 24 – Colors, Numbers from 100 to 500

Persian Lesson 24 – Colors, Numbers from 100 to 500

Persian Lesson 24 – Colors, Numbers from 100 to 500

Dec 22, 2018 - Persian Language Courses

Salam! Khosh amadid!


Hello everyone! I hope you are not giving up! How do you find the lessons? Are they getting difficult or still easy to follow? I am really trying hard to make the lessons as easy as possible. All I want you to do is a little cooperation, not too much! We are almost on our way. Do you remember what I told you during the first lessons? When there is a will, there is a way. There is no impossible if we are strong. Learning a language, like many other things, demands our patience and continuous work. Don’t get disappointed if you are still unable to clearly understand your Iranian friends during your night gatherings! You need more patience and I need more time to help you with this. You had strong motivation to stay with me for 23 weeks. So, don’t let it fade away. Remember, what stops you is a simple laziness not a busy time! No more preaching!!

Let’s begin.

Now that we are a little familiar with the combination of nouns with adjectives, I think it’s not a bad idea to learn some colors today.

The combination of colors and nouns is just the same as nouns with adjectives. That is to say, in normal speech, colors come after nouns. Let’s see some examples:

But before that, let me tell you that my ‘colorology’ (!!) is really terrible!

Let’s learn some of them now.

Red =  /ghermez/.

Yellow =  /zærd/.

Blue =  /a:bi:/.

Green =  /sæbz/.

White =  /sefid/.

Black =  /siya:h/.

Or  /meshki:/.

Purple =  /bænæfsh/.

Now lets’ see some examples:

A red flower =  /gol-e- ghermez/.

A yellow car =  /ma:shin-e- zærd/.

A blue door =  /dær-e- a:bi:/.

A green tree =  /derækht-e- sæbz/.

A white cat =  /gorbeh ye sefid/.

A black dog =  /sæg-e- siya:h/. Or  /sæg-e- meshki:/.

Is it difficult? As you see, colors like other adjectives come after nouns.

All right, that’s the color.

Today, we are going to learn some more numbers.

We already know the numbers from 1 to 100 or maybe more. Today, we will learn the main numbers from 100 to 500.

I know most of us don’t really like learning the numbers of a language as it demands a different taste! But, this is part of a learning language procedure and we shouldn’t ignore it.


100 =  /sæd/.

200 =  /devist/.

300 =  /sisæd/.

400 =  /chæha:r sæd/.

500 =  /pa:nsæd/.

All right, that’s it for today.

See you next week.

Khoda Hafez!

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All Comments (4)

Marjolijn Kaelen

Thank you so much for giving this course. Step by step i am learning a lot. I can make easy sentences already


Seeing such positive feedbacks makes us so happy and motivated for the rest of our activities. We wish you great luck on learning the Persian language,


Actually, Farsi numbers are more logical than most (see French where actual arithmetic is involved e,g. 90= four X20+ 10). That said, I was anticipating 200 being do sad. Surprise. Not. But,still, the system is better than most (see Russian).


Very interesting. I hadn't think of that before and didn't have knowledge about numbers in other languages. Thanks for sharing the information.

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