Salam! Khosh amadid!
Hello everyone, how are you?
1- Listen to the audio files first (preferably once). Repeat it for a couple of times. Write it down on a paper. Find their English equivalents. (Seen)
2- Find the Persian equivalent for the following words and make four sentences with each of them (one in simple past tense, one in present perfect tense using ‘for’, one in simple future tense, and one in past perfect tense).
For a long time
3- Say these numbers in Persian:
8 – 118 – 801 – 811 – 810 – 108 – 808
4- Follow the examples, combine the letters, and make words using the given letters. You’ll have to change the big letters into the small ones whenever needed.
All right,
So far, we have almost learned how to make a verb in Simple Present Tense. From now on, we will start making sentences in this tense. There is no big change in the structure of the sentences here. We have to follow the same rule in the same way we did in previous tenses. Easy, isn’t it?
As I have told you before, learning about a language is different from learning a language. All we are doing now is learning about Persian language. After this stage is finished successfully, we will start learning the language. You think I am joking? Of course not! You may read one hundred thousands books about swimming. Will you be able to swim after you have read this much books successfully? I don’t think so! The only way to learn swimming is to jump in the water! If you don’t know the rules of swimming, you will have to quit breathing under the water!!
The same is true with learning a new language. We learn the rules (learning about the language) to apply them practically (learning the language). We will get rid of these rules in near future. Then, we will start our real work. Soon, we will find ourselves translating texts and books from English to Persian. We will do it with the help of each other. I have tried hard to help you become fluent in learning the Persian alphabet as well as the structure of the sentences in different tenses. I did this because I want to feel relax later when translation starts. So, please help me reach my goal!
See you next week!
Khoda Hafez!
Salam! Khosh amadid! Hello everyone, how are you?
Salam! Khosh amadid! Hello everyone, how are you? Quiz:
Persian Letters /la:m/ to /va:v/ Hello everyone, welcome back! ...
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