Persian Lesson 10 – Review, Subjective Pronouns

Persian Lesson 10 – Review, Subjective Pronouns

Persian Lesson 10 – Review, Subjective Pronouns

Sep 19, 2018 - Persian Language Courses

Persian Subjective Pronouns

Hello everyone, welcome back!

This post is about Persian subjective pronouns. As you know, we have successfully completed part one that was learning the letters. Today, we are going to take a very short review from what we have already studied to make sure that everything has been clear.

So far we have learned that there are 32 letters upon which the Persian language is built. We also learned that to pronounce the letters, we needed to put some vowels on or under the letters. And you remember that we have six vowels: three long and three short vowels. Then we learned that sometimes we have to put an emphasis on some letters, which is called Tashdid. And sometimes, it happens very often, we stop or pause on some letters and this is called Sokoon.

As you remember, we have many letters that when pronounced with the help of vowels, have the same pronunciations. As I have told you before, you don’t need to worry about it at all. Once more, let’s see the letters that have the same pronunciations . They are as follows:

1-  , .

2-  and .

3- , and .

4-  and .

5- .

6- .

During this time, we have learned how to write all these letters. I invite you once more to practice writing if you haven’t tried it so far. It has some great advantages. One of them is that writing will help you learn things better. The other one, more important one, is that you’ll have to use it during our next lessons.

All right. Although I have already mentioned that this lesson is about what we have already studied, we are going to learn some new words today if you have no objections!

Let’s simply start by learning the subjective pronouns today. Hopefully you know them in English. These are the subjective pronouns: I, you, he, she, it—— we, you, they. Is it correct? Wonderful! Now, let’s see their equivalents in Persian.

Note: We have learned that letters when combined with , which is supposed to be long /u:/, should be pronounced as /u:/ like what you see here: /bu:/. But sometimes, there can be found some words in which that special letter will be pronounced as short /o/ instead of the normal /u:/. One of them is what you see below for the singular you.

1- I =  /mæn/ as man in English.

2- You =  /to/ as in torture. And this is one of them I just talked about. It is not pronounced as /tu:/.

3- He and She =  /u:/ as in moon.

Note: He and She have the same equivalent in Persian. So, if you simply say , the people will not know that it’s a man or a woman whom you are talking about.

4- It =  /a:n/ as in answer in British English not American English.

5- We = /ma:/ as in mother.

6- You = /shoma:/.

7- They =  /a:nha:/.

And  /i:sha:n/.

Note: As you see, ‘They’ has two equivalents in Persian.

All right. With this, we come to the end of lesson 10. I hope it hasn’t been difficult.

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All Comments (4)


Haha sorry, not the word "man", the word "i"...

Mirza Saab

من mann Not man


Hi, thank you so much for building and maintaining this website. Learning the alphabet has been so helpful. I have a question tho. The word man is written as من , correct? Isnt that only an m + n? Where is the vowel? Feel free to email me if you are able to. Regardless, thanks for all the hard work producing this content! Alex


Hi there, hope you are doing well. Thanks for your feedback. For the word من, the vowel is "short vowel" which is not usually written and is described completely in the first lesson at:

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