Salam! Khosh amadid!
Do you remember what I told you about making verbs in simple past tense? Good! As you remember, we will have a verb in
simple past tense if we delete /nu:n/from the end of an infinitive. But, quite unfortunately, I forgot to tell you something very important!! You want to know it? Ok! I forgot to ask you not to throw that
/nu:n/ away!! We need it now!
We already know how to say ‘my brother sold this car’. Remember? All right! Today, we are going to say this sentence: ‘my brother didn’t sell this car’.
Correct! We are going to make a sentence negative in simple past tense. That’s why we need /nu:n/again. If we put
with /næ/ sound in the beginning of a verb, we have made that verb or that sentence negative. You see how easy Persian is!
Delete from the end of an infinitive to make a verb in simple past tense. Put
with /næ/ sound in the beginning of the same verb to make it negative.
He/She didn’t go = /u: næræft/.
Now let’s go back to that sentence above once more.
My brother sold this car = /bæra:dæræm in ma:shin ra: foru:kht/.
My brother didn’t sell this car = /bæra:dæræm in ma:shin ra: næforu:kht/.
Now try this one:
She found her book yesterday = /u: keta:bæsh ra: diru:z peida: kærd/.
She didn’t find her book yesterday = /u: keta:bæsh ra: diru:z peida: nækærd/.
Note: I am sure all of you remember what I told you about the compound verbs in Persian. In compound verbs, it’s the second part of the verb that accepts changes. Am I right? Like what we see above: ‘to find’ means /peida: kærdæn/. We have nothing to do with the first part, which is
/peida:/. Do you remember it? Great!
I think it’s now good to start learning numbers in Persian. Before doing this, let me tell you something. The most difficult part in learning numbers is in the beginning. If we learn them from one to twenty correctly we will have no problems with the rest of the numbers. So, please try to learn the first twenty numbers fluently and you’ll have no more problems!
One= /yek/.
Two= /do/.
Three = /seh/.
Four= /chæha:r/.
Five = /pænj/.
Six = /shesh/.
Seven = /hæft/.
Eight = /hæsht/.
Nine = /noh/.
Ten = /dæh/.
Ok! That’s all we need to learn today!
With this we come to end of lesson 18. I hope you enjoyed it.
Salam! Khosh amadid! Hello everyone, how are you? Today, we are ...
Salam! Khosh amadid! Hello everyone, how are you? Let me thank ...
Salam! Khosh amadid! Hello everyone, how are you?
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