Lesson 10: Consonants with the base form ع

Lesson 10: Consonants with the base form ع

May 4, 2019 - New Lessons

Lesson 10: Consonants with the base form 


 This is the big letter. I need to explain some about the way it is pronounced. I am sure all of you know the pronunciation of this English word: Main /mein/. Now, just suppose that we pronounce it this way: /mæin/. And you know /æ/as /æ/ in dad. Now what will happen if we delete ‘m’ from its pronunciation? We will have /æin/instead of /mæin/. So, this letter is called /æin/.

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It appears at the end of the words and stands separately. Like this word: .

Sometimes, it appears at the end of the letters but it is attached to the previous letter. In this case, it will be written as . Like this word:.

 This is the small letter /æin/. It comes at the beginning of the words and is attached to the letters that come after it. Like this word: .

 This one is the small form of the same letter too. The difference is that this small form sits between two letters and is attached to them. Like this word: . It does not appear at the beginning or end of the words.

In short, this is  /æin/, and has four different forms.

When combined, it may be pronounced as .

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Note: as you see, these two letters,  and , when combined, have the same pronunciation but different functions.

 This is the big letter. Like the previous one, it has four forms. The way it is pronounced needs some explanations. 

Hopefully, all of you know the pronunciation of ‘r’ in French words like ‘bonjour‘. The pronunciation of this letter in Persian is represented by /gh/, in Latin-based writings. As you saw before, we changed the pronunciation of this English word ‘Main’ into /æin/. Now, simply put the French letter ‘r’ or its Persian Latin-based equivalent /gh/ at the beginning of /æin/. We will have /ræin/ or /ghæin/. So, this letter is called /ghæin/.

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It stands separately at the end of the words, like what you see in this word: .

 This is also the big form of the same letter and comes at the end of the words. The difference is that  is attached to the previous letters. Like this word: .

 This is the small letter. It comes at the beginning of the words and is attached to the letters that come after it. Like this word: .

 This is the small letter too. But it appears between two letters and is attached to both of them. Like here: .

This letter, when combined with the vowels, is pronounced as .

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