Persian Lesson 8 – Letters /la:m/ to /va:v/

Persian Lesson 8 – Letters /la:m/ to /va:v/

Persian Lesson 8 – Letters /la:m/ to /va:v/

Sep 18, 2018 - Persian Language Courses

Persian Letters /la:m/ to /va:v/

Hello everyone, welcome back!

In this post, you are going to learn Persian letters /la:m/ to /va:v/. Before we start, I would like to express my deep appreciation to all of you who have been sending me really warm messages during this time. The more feedback you send, the better insight I get, and this will help me organize the theme of the lessons better. Please keep on writing to me. I deeply hope this site is supportive. As I have told you before, I would be really happy just when I saw your progress. Please be kind enough to forgive me if I am not really able to respond to all of your messages.

Has everything been quite clear so far? If not, please let me know. Hopefully, we will complete part one next week. Then, we will take a very short review of what we have already learned before we start part two which will bring us the real work.

So far, we have learned 26 letters. As always, let’s see what we learned last week. Last week we learned these four letters: . Click here if you need to listen to them once more.

Today, we are going to learn four more letters.

27.  This is the big letter ‘L’ in Persian. It is called /la:m/.

Like other big letters, it comes at the end of the words and stands either attached or separated from other letters.

This one is the small letter  /la:m/.

Note: this small letter can be written in two ways only when it is attached to  /alef/. You may find it either  as in , or  as in . Both of them are the same.

When combined with the vowels, it may be pronounced as .

28.  This is the big letter ‘M’ in Persian. It is called /mim/.

This one is the small letter  /mim/.

When combined, it may be pronounced as . Here!

29.  This is the big letter ‘N’ in Persian. It is called /nu:n/, like ‘noon’ in English.

This is the small letter  /nu:n/.

When combined, it maybe pronounced as .

30.  This one can be a good equivalent for English ‘V’, but sometimes it has a different function. For example, sometimes it is pronounced as /u:/ in ‘tool’. In this case, it works other than English ‘V’. We will learn more about it later in more appropriate sections. This letter is called /va:v/.

This letter has only one form.

When combined, it may be pronounced as .

Note: as you noticed, this letter when combined with long vowel /u:/ is pronounced as both /vu:/ and /u:/. It depends on different words. As far as I remember now, this letter is pronounced /vu:/ in just a few words, and in most cases it is pronounced as /u:/. You will become more familiar with it later.


Ok. Click here if you want to listen to these four letters once more.

All right. With this, we come to the end of lesson 8. I hope you enjoyed it.

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All Comments (6)


Hi! The letter "mim" is a bit confusing. Do you have to write the letter open or closed? More like the "p"? It is different in the drawing and the description with vowels. That is why I am not sure. The rest is all very clear. Thanks!


Hi thanks for your comment. I couldn't understand your question exactly. What do you mean by "open" and "close"? which part in its writing?


The letter "mim" is more like a circle in the drawing. Like a circle with a line. More down (and on the keyboard) the letter is written more like a P. That is why I am a bit confused as to what exactly is the right way.


The difference is related to different types of handwriting and even fonts. They are both correct.


it's easy. Thank you


So good to hear that, you're greatly welcome.

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