This one can be a good equivalent for English ‘V’, but sometimes it has a different function. For example, sometimes it is pronounced as /u:/ in ‘tool’. In this case, it works other than English ‘V’. We will learn more about it later in more appropriate sections. This letter is called /va:v/.
Click here to listen.
This letter has only one form.
When combined, it may be pronounced as .
Click here to listen.
Note: as you noticed, this letter when combined with long vowel /u:/ is pronounced as both /vu:/ and /u:/. It depends on different words. As far as I remember now, this letter is pronounced /vu:/ in just a few words, and in most cases it is pronounced as /u:/. You will become more familiar with it later.
Salam! Khosh amadid! Hello, welcome everybody!
Salam! Khosh amadid! Hello everyone! I hope you are not givin ...
Persian Letters from /alef/ to /he/ In this lesson we learn Pers ...
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