Tourism attraction of the Grand Bazaar of Isfahan

Isfahan Tourist Attractions - The Grand Bazaar

The Grand Bazaar is a historical market located in Isfahan, Iran also known as “Qeysariye Bazaar”.. The bazaar of Isfahan, like other bazaar in Islamic cities, can be divided into three parts:

1) Raste and dehliz, which are the main and peripheral streets and corridors inside the bazaar.

2) Caravanserais, which are the economic complexes with stores and places for residing, housing merchants.

3) Qeysariya, timice and serai, which are economic complexes without any residential possibilities.

It was originally constructed during the 11th century on the southwest wing of Jameh mosque but various arcades and rooms were later added to it. The present remnant dates from the Safavid period. It has about 5 kilometers ( 3 miles) of shopping streets, some with brick arches, some with popular beams, over a hundred caravanserais and serais, innumerable covered halls (timce) and contain wings. The bazaar was the backbone of the city. Esfahan grand bazaar used as the main street in Isfahan and a place for meeting people, seeing and being seen. This kind of bazaar acted a real heart of the city. By counting the number of Madrasa, mosques and Hammams in the bazaar we can understand to what extent the bazaar acted as the center of Isfahan.

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